Since you asked…
I’ve been checkin’out the blogspot, but I can’t seem to find much information on the reunion other than time and place.
What’s the theme? Vibe? Dress code? Dress blacks or Tyrannosaurus Rex costume? Dinner served? Events and activities?
Since you asked….
This event is “T Rex costume optional.” How are you going to enjoy the delicious catered buffet with such short little arms?? 🦖
We want everyone to come and enjoy themselves, and bring their best self. If flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt is what you like. Wear it. If you are looking for a reason to get dressed up. Do it. If you have an old (or new) Nirvana shirt, go for it!
Our Reunion theme is “Reunion on the River” with a bit of Back to the Future throwback vibe, but it is not overly themed.
We plan to have lots of nostalgia, some group games and prizes, DJ’s music for anyone looking to bust a move later in the night, a roaming photographer taking candids and casual photos, and lots and lots of time and space to just be yourself and have fun catching up with classmates from 30 years ago!
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